What makes Daniel P. Pless stand out?
Daniel P. Pless is an expert in the field of international project management and the management and structuring of corporate divisions.
Through his expertise, he unerringly paves the way to success.
He can work successfully internationally with a wide range of cultures and characters to achieve the best results.
Especially in times of pandemic, this talent proved himself, as despite different cultures, limited personal contact and differing opinions, he brought all parties together and achieved the best solution for the company/client.
His knowledge can also be perfectly applied in the definition of international business models and organisational structures in order to develop profit potentials already in the bidding phase and to minimise problems later on.
Through his experience in Six Sigma and LEAN management, he has not only the mental competence for continuous improvement, but also a wide range of tools and methods to analyse processes, present them and develop measures.
"What doesn't benefit the customer, we don't do."
Due to his extensive professional and private experience abroad and interest in new approaches, he is an expert in the field of international project management as well as team leadership. He is an "analyst" and a "doer". He always finds something that can be optimised - especially through discussions with the teams and his own analyses derived from them. From these discussions, he develops visions that help the team and himself to maintain a common direction even after a given issue/problem has been solved.
Since 2021
Commercial Manager Operations and LEAN Consultant
▪ Busines area: Traction power supply
▪ Independent assembly plant with 40 employees
▪ Governance for licence manufacturer plus a plant in China
▪ Europe, China
▪ Improvement of transparency and financial coverage of cost centres
▪ Expansion of the portfolio by introducing new technologies such as pantographs for lorries (eHighways) and other products
▪ LEAN project to stabilise delivery reliability at the assembly plant by exploiting synergies across all departments from sales to plant logistics. Weak points identified and measures to eliminate waste defined and introduced.
▪ Hands-on transformation started through digitalisation measures "paperless factory" to increase productivity▪
Internal coach and commercial proposal project manager
▪ Business area: Baggage handling systems
▪ Spin-off/Portfolio Company
▪ Projects in Europe, South-Korea, Mexico, USA, Dubai, India, Singapore
▪ Coaching CxOs and bid teams in national companies about international business models and organisational structures
▪ Coordinating the proposal project teams during the pandemic (exclusively online communication). Despite many cultural differences, the lack of personal contact and different points of view, he was always able to bring everyone involved together and achieve the best solutions for the company.
▪ Successful offer negotiation during the pandemic
References: Incheon Airport and Kuala Lumpur Airport
▪ Sole commercial bid project manager without a direct manager and direct reporting to the CFO over several months
Internal Coach and Chief Manager Business Administration
▪ Business area: Power Transmission
▪ Independent division within Siemens Ltd India
▪ 350 employees at 5 locations (plus sites)
▪ 100 execution projects in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
▪ Delegation of responsibilities through workshops, team and individual meetings to form a strong unit that solves problems independently
=> "Great Place to Work" award 2016
▪ Stabilisation of turnover forecasts
▪ Introduction of visual "office floor management"
▪ Reduction of non-conformance costs with active risk management
▪ Customer management to improve cash flow and customer satisfaction
Mergers & Acquisition Manager and Consultant
▪ Business area: Global Shared Services
▪ Successful post-merger integration of an international Dutch medium-sized company into Siemens AG Austria
▪ Management of the global workstream teams in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, USA and Dubai. Briefing and coordination with CxO functions to ensure joint growth
▪ Formation of a joint venture between Siemens AG Austria and a partner in Russia to establish a metro manufacturing facility in Russia
▪ Hands-on support and coaching of the project teams (incl. construction site) during the closing of the photovoltaic division of Siemens AG as well as close coordination with CxOs in Germany, South Africa and Israel
Process consultant and commercial project manager
▪ Business area: Turnkey Powerplants
▪ Independent subsidiary in Austria following the takeover of a local competitor (formerly VA Tech Power Generation)
▪ Support and hands-on coaching during post-merger integration
▪ 50 project team members (Austria, Portugal, Germany)
▪ Improvement of financial project forecasts
Commercial project associate
▪ Business area: Turnkey Powerplants
▪ "Apprenticeship years" in international environment and learning-by-doing for projects in Bahrain, Kuwait and India
▪ Local support for two simultaneous execution projects in Syria
Dual studies for business economist, team leader and Six Sigma facilitator
▪ Construction site assignment in Saudi Arabia
▪ Team leader and Six Sigma facilitator
2nd/261 Paratrooper Battalion Lebach (Saarland)
Since 2023
Supervisory Board at vertrieb.de
Since 2022
Board of Directors at Siemens Mobility Electrification Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
- How to strengthen the cooperation of your team and ensure more transparency
- How to align the goals of your company and employees
- "Hard on the subject, soft on the people" - implementation in everyday working life
- How much individuality is optimal for my team and what can I do?
- What challenges you will face in international projects and how to overcome them
- Using new cultures and approaches as an opportunity
- How to prepare for unfamiliar teams in an international environment
- Recognise and develop behavioural patterns of teams
- How to plan and manage your projects to avoid extra costs
- How to detect potential sources of errors in your projects and how to deal with them
- How to plan projects and budgets for the future
- Rethinking: Mistakes as opportunities - How can I learn quickly from mistakes ("Fail fast, learn fast")
Times state Vice Champion Artistic Gymnastics (Youth) and American Football (Youth)
Times married the same woman in three countries (Denmark, Germany, India)
Years lived in India
M&A projects
Years of experience in project management
Countries in which projects were managed
Countries travelled
Employees guided
Projects managed
The Funlist and yet to come
Life is not only about work and business. Rather, it consists of fun and adventurous experiences, places that have been experienced live or partly nonsensical and risky things that have been done. Such experiences shape the personality and additionally offer exciting stories that are gladly shared. Therefore, here is also a small excerpt of the personal "Crazy List" of my past:
- Motorbike Tour through Spiti Valley in the Himalayan Mountains & by Motorbike from Mumbai to Goa
- Parachute jumps up to a height of 1,800 metres
- Canyon Swing in New Zealand
- Surfing in Morocco and South Africa
- Visit to the birthplace of Buddha (Bodh Gaya, India)
And because there's no end to the crazy ideas, I'm happy to share an overview of my "bucket list" of things I'd like to do in the near future:
- Motorbike Tour from Germany to India
- Overnight stay in an igloo and experience the Aurora (Finland, Sweden)
- Ice diving
- Hiking through the Amazon
- Flight to the moon or at least into space
- Silent Monastery
- Way of St. James
Daniel P. Pless is a creative and disruptive thinker, implementer and leader. In the last 20 years he has supported over 100 projects in more than 35 countries. His first work experience was as a caterer and paratrooper in the German Army, what a contrast. He has cleared big cities like New Delhi of smog and supplied millions of households with electricity. Today, he is back in his hometown of Frankfurt am Main and involved in the construction of eHighways - electrified highways. Daniel is convinced that any organization can produce highly efficient and successful teams and tells us in the interview how.
Listen now:
Offering value add - That is the secret to earning money. Daniel P. Pless understood this at an early age. As a packer, waiter, caterer & porter/baggage handler at the airport, he not only gained his first professional experience, but also embodied principles that accompany him on his path today.
“If it doesn’t benefit the customer, we don’t do it.”
Stagnation and wasting time form Daniel's kryptonite, which is why he consistently stays away from it. He doesn't follow deadlocked processes, but takes the path that is goal-oriented and efficient. A passion burns within him for developing things further, optimizing them and adding value.
When he started his military service with the German Armed Forces, it was absolutely out of the question for him to do the standard service for high school graduates with future office jobs. He wanted to leave his comfort zone, try something new and experience something - thus he served as a paratrooper.
Today, 20 years after his last parachute jump for the German Armed Forces, he has made a name for himself as a project manager. Daniel has been a key contributor to international projects in India, Portugal, Mexico, Syria, South Africa, China and South Korea, among others.
Due to his extensive professional and private experiences abroad and his interest in new approaches, he is an expert in the field of international project management as well as team leadership. He is an "analyst" and a "doer".
“When I set my mind to something, I don't give it up“
He always finds something that can be improved - especially through discussions with the teams and his own evaluations derived from them. From these discussions, he develops visions that help the team and himself to maintain a common direction even after a given issue/problem has been solved.
The assignments on large construction sites in Syria, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Portugal and especially the time in India have given Daniel the opportunity to work with different characters and cultures at different hierarchical levels. The conversations with the driver on the construction site, the site manager and up to the CxO function were an enrichment to understand the cooperation in such complex constellations. In business, it's always about the matter, but not about the person. Every contact is an experience from which you can learn.
“Not only get into business, but also into dialogue“
"You can negotiate hard all day and still have dinner together in the evening because no one has lost face."
Insights: A market environment is only as flexible and agile as its respective customers. Thus, a market with predominantly government customers tends to be slow and new technologies require a lot of time, patience and persuasion. Whereas a market with more private customers can develop very quickly and offers opportunities to work on new developments with these customers.
Daniel is always enthusiastic about different types of business and enjoys getting involved in new topics. Thus, the construction of large power plants in Portugal and Syria, photovoltaic power plants in South Africa and Israel were just as interesting as the construction of smaller transformer stations in the Indian back country or the integration of an international mid-sized company into a corporation, all the way to contract negotiations in South Korea for baggage handling systems.
“Nothing is constant but change”
Lazy employees and ignorant colleagues? Daniel P. Pless is convinced that these do not exist by nature, but that everyone likes to have fun in their job and gives their best in return. In most cases, "lazy" employees lack challenges, incentives and attention (e.g. recognition and criticism) from their superiors.
Daniel also likes to compare his management style to that of a football coach. It is his responsibility to prepare his team, establish tactics, set up strategies and develop backup plans. As soon as the game - the project - is underway, he stands on the sideline and can only intervene in the process to a limited extent. This is when he finds out whether or how well he has set up his team. Accordingly, he feels jointly responsible for the team's result. And after the game is before the game, so it is up to him to rework, adjust and prepare for the next game or project.
“Assumptions are the mother of all f***-ups”
Many misunderstandings are based on assumptions and thus unspoken expectations. Therefore, Daniel strives to check his own assumptions and theories in direct dialogue in order to avoid such misunderstandings. This requires a high degree of self-reflection and the realisation that it is okay to be wrong.
Through his experience in Six Sigma and LEAN management, he possesses not only the mental competence for continuous improvement, but also a wide range of tools and methods for analysing and presenting processes and developing measures. To this day, he is particularly helped by his ability to question a problem (Why is the problem? How does it manifest itself?), to find out the "customer" for a particular process and to analyse its benefits.
He has a highly developed talent for analysing and questioning complex issues and proceeds according to the principle "from the big to the small". Only when the big picture makes sense and the overall context is understood does he move to the next level. Even when it then goes into the details, the big picture - be it an idea or a definition of a goal - serves as a "north star" or guiding point.